The European Journal of Multidisciplinary Sciences
Online ISSN: 2421-8251
European Publisher
Turkish Folk Music Phonetic Notation System Datamatrix Characteristics/TFMPNS DC: Urfa Region Sample
Table 2: Turkish Folk Music Phonetic Notation Systems Phonotactical Therapy Applications/TFMPNS PTA
Gele gele geldik bir kara taşa/ɟelɛ ɟelɛ ɟeldic biɾ kɑɾɑ tɑʃɑGele gele geldĭm bir ḳara daşa/Gɛlɛ gɛlɛ gɛldɯ̌m biɾ kɑɾɑ dɑʃɑRegion: UrfaTaken From: Mukim TahirCompiled & Noted: Muzaffer SarısozenReader: Tenekeci Mahmut GuzelgozTRT TFM Repertoire Sequence Number: 701 | |||
Standard Turkey Turkish/STT | International Phonetic Alphabet/IPA | Turkish Language Institution Transcription Signs/TLITS | International Phonetic Alphabet/IPA |
Gele gele geldik bir kara taşa | ɟelɛ ɟelɛ ɟeldic biɾ kɑɾɑ tɑʃɑ | Gele gele geldĭm bir ḳara daşa | Gɛlɛ gɛlɛ gɛldɯ̌m biɾ kɑɾɑ dɑʃɑ |
Note 1. Sound information criteria existing in the theory and application background of I. line of Turkish folk music literary/musical text: Standard Turkey Turkish/STT>International Phonetic Alphabet/IPA [a] wide, flat, soft palate (predorsal)>[α] wide, flat, back palate (post dorsal)-[e] wide, flat, pre-tongue (closed)>[ɛ] wide, flat, pre-tongue (open)-[i] narrow, flat, odile (open)>[I]/[i] narrow, flat, pre-tongue (closed)-[b]>[b] voice, explosive, double-lip-[d]>[d] voice explosive, tongue tip is out-[k] voiceless, explosive, back palate>[c] chimes, front palate, explosive-[g] tone, front palate-mid-tongue, explosive>[Ɉ] voice, explosive tongue-back palate (front)-[l]>[l] tone, gum, lateral fluent-[m]>[m] tone, double lip, nasal initial-[r] voice, multi-matrix, tongue tip-gum>[ɾ] voice, single matrix, tongue tip-gum [Ɣ] voiceless, fricative-[ş]>[ʃ] voiceless, fricative, tongue-soft palate-[t]>[t] voiceless, explosive, tip end is out. Urfa/Kerkuk/Talaffer Dialects Turkish Language Institution Transcript Signs/UKTD TLITS>International Phonetic Alphabet/IPA: [ĭ] short unaccented, a vowel between i/ė>[ɯ̌] very short ı-[ḳ] a back palate consonant thicker, explosive and made further back than normal k constructing syllables with thin or thick vowels>[k] voiceless, rear palate, explosive. | |||
Note 2. Form information criteria existing in theoretical and practical background in I. line of the Turkish folk music literary/musical text: V/C analysis (Gorman, 2013: 39-63): V=vowel (vowel letter), C=consonant (consonant letter). When V/C analyzing method is applied to all lines of the folk music text, differences in the axis of sound/syllable/word/sentence orders may arise. | |||
Gele gele (ge.le ge.le) gel.dik bir ka.ra ta.şa | ɟelɛ ɟelɛ (ɟe.lɛ ɟe.lɛ) ɟel.dic biɾ kɑ.ɾɑ tɑ.ʃɑ | Gele gele (ge.le ge.le) gel.dĭm bir ḳa.ra da.şa | Gɛlɛ gɛlɛ (Gɛ.lɛ gɛ.lɛ) gɛl.dɯ̌m biɾ kɑ.ɾɑ dɑ.ʃɑ |
Note 3. Syntactic criteria of sound/syllable/word/sentence existing in theoretical and practical background of the I. line of the Turkish folk music literary/musical text: prosodic phonotactical analysis (Sherer, 1994): (.) = represents the syllabic segmentation points. When prosodic phonotactical analysis method is applied to all lines of the folk music text, differences may arise in the acoustic/syllabic/word/sentential partitioning/impact points axis in terms of linguistic/rhythmic-music scientific/melodic prosody overlap rules. | |||
Turkish Language Institution Dictionary Database/TLI DD | Turkey Turkish Pronunciation Dictionary/TTPD | Urfa/Kerkuk/Tallafer Dialects Index and Dictionary/UKTD ID | Turkish Folk Music Phonetic Notation System Dictionary Database/TFMPNS DD |
gele: gele (TLI TAD)-gele (TLI BTD)-gelsin (TLI CDFDT/TTDD)-gel, hele gel, haydi gel (TLI SD).geldik: geldi-k (TLI BTD).bir: bir (TLI STS)-bir (TLI CTD)-ber/bi (TLI TTDD)-bir (TLI SD).kara: kara (CTD)-kara (TLI TTDD)-kara (TLI SD).daşa: taş (TLI CTD)-taş (TLI TTDD)-daş (TLI SD). | ɟe'lɛ: gele > ɟe'lɛɟe'ldIc: gel > ɟe'l-dIc'bIɣ: bir > 'bIɣkα'ɾα: kara > kα'ɾα'tα∫α: taş-a > 'tα∫-α | gele: to come, reaching a place, to arrive. geldĭm: to come, reaching a place, to arrive bir: name of the number, the title of uncertainty.ḳara: black, dark, bad, distressed, mourning. daşa: stone. | gele/ɟe'lɛ/gele geldik/ɟe'ldIc/geldĭmbir/bir/birkara/kα'ɾα/ḳaradaşa/'tα∫α/daşa |
Note 4. Word existence criteria existing in the theoretical and practical background of I. line of the Turkish folk music literary/musical text: Turkish Language Institution Dictionary Database/TLI DD (Url <http://www.tdk.gov.tr>), Urfa/Kerkuk/Tallafer Dialects Index and Dictionary/UKTD ID (Özbek, 2010, pp. 113-253), Turkey Turkish Pronunciation Dictionary/TTPD (Ergenç, 2002, pp. 46-47), Turkish Folk Music Phonetic Notation System Dictionary Database/TFMPNS DD in the axis of transcripted with Standart Turkey Turkish/STT-Turkish Language Institution Transcription Signs/TLITS-International Phonetic Alphabet/IPA. |