EjMS - The European Journal of Multidisciplinary Sciences

The European Journal of Multidisciplinary Sciences

Online ISSN: 2421-8251
European Publisher

Turkish Folk Music Phonetic Notation System Datamatrix Characteristics/TFMPNS DC: Urfa Region Sample

Table 2: Turkish Folk Music Phonetic Notation Systems Phonotactical Therapy Applications/TFMPNS PTA

Gele gele geldik bir kara taşa/ɟelɛ ɟelɛ ɟeldic biɾ kɑɾɑ tɑʃɑGele gele geldĭm bir ḳara daşa/Gɛlɛ gɛlɛ gɛldɯ̌m biɾ kɑɾɑ dɑʃɑRegion: UrfaTaken From: Mukim TahirCompiled & Noted: Muzaffer SarısozenReader: Tenekeci Mahmut GuzelgozTRT TFM Repertoire Sequence Number: 701
Standard Turkey Turkish/STT International Phonetic Alphabet/IPA Turkish Language Institution Transcription Signs/TLITS International Phonetic Alphabet/IPA
Gele gele geldik bir kara taşa ɟelɛ ɟelɛ ɟeldic biɾ kɑɾɑ tɑʃɑ Gele gele geldĭm bir ḳara daşa Gɛlɛ gɛlɛ gɛldɯ̌m biɾ kɑɾɑ dɑʃɑ
Note 1. Sound information criteria existing in the theory and application background of I. line of Turkish folk music literary/musical text: Standard Turkey Turkish/STT>International Phonetic Alphabet/IPA [a] wide, flat, soft palate (predorsal)>[α] wide, flat, back palate (post dorsal)-[e] wide, flat, pre-tongue (closed)>[ɛ] wide, flat, pre-tongue (open)-[i] narrow, flat, odile (open)>[I]/[i] narrow, flat, pre-tongue (closed)-[b]>[b] voice, explosive, double-lip-[d]>[d] voice explosive, tongue tip is out-[k] voiceless, explosive, back palate>[c] chimes, front palate, explosive-[g] tone, front palate-mid-tongue, explosive>[Ɉ] voice, explosive tongue-back palate (front)-[l]>[l] tone, gum, lateral fluent-[m]>[m] tone, double lip, nasal initial-[r] voice, multi-matrix, tongue tip-gum>[ɾ] voice, single matrix, tongue tip-gum [Ɣ] voiceless, fricative-[ş]>[ʃ] voiceless, fricative, tongue-soft palate-[t]>[t] voiceless, explosive, tip end is out. Urfa/Kerkuk/Talaffer Dialects Turkish Language Institution Transcript Signs/UKTD TLITS>International Phonetic Alphabet/IPA: [ĭ] short unaccented, a vowel between i/ė>[ɯ̌] very short ı-[ḳ] a back palate consonant thicker, explosive and made further back than normal k constructing syllables with thin or thick vowels>[k] voiceless, rear palate, explosive.
Note 2. Form information criteria existing in theoretical and practical background in I. line of the Turkish folk music literary/musical text: V/C analysis (Gorman, 2013: 39-63): V=vowel (vowel letter), C=consonant (consonant letter). When V/C analyzing method is applied to all lines of the folk music text, differences in the axis of sound/syllable/word/sentence orders may arise.
Gele gele (ge.le ge.le) gel.dik bir ka.ra ta.şa ɟelɛ ɟelɛ (ɟe.lɛ ɟe.lɛ) ɟel.dic biɾ kɑ.ɾɑ tɑ.ʃɑ Gele gele (ge.le ge.le) gel.dĭm bir ḳa.ra da.şa Gɛlɛ gɛlɛ (Gɛ.lɛ gɛ.lɛ) gɛl.dɯ̌m biɾ kɑ.ɾɑ dɑ.ʃɑ
Note 3. Syntactic criteria of sound/syllable/word/sentence existing in theoretical and practical background of the I. line of the Turkish folk music literary/musical text: prosodic phonotactical analysis (Sherer, 1994): (.) = represents the syllabic segmentation points. When prosodic phonotactical analysis method is applied to all lines of the folk music text, differences may arise in the acoustic/syllabic/word/sentential partitioning/impact points axis in terms of linguistic/rhythmic-music scientific/melodic prosody overlap rules.
Turkish Language Institution Dictionary Database/TLI DD Turkey Turkish Pronunciation Dictionary/TTPD Urfa/Kerkuk/Tallafer Dialects Index and Dictionary/UKTD ID Turkish Folk Music Phonetic Notation System Dictionary Database/TFMPNS DD
gele: gele (TLI TAD)-gele (TLI BTD)-gelsin (TLI CDFDT/TTDD)-gel, hele gel, haydi gel (TLI SD).geldik: geldi-k (TLI BTD).bir: bir (TLI STS)-bir (TLI CTD)-ber/bi (TLI TTDD)-bir (TLI SD).kara: kara (CTD)-kara (TLI TTDD)-kara (TLI SD).daşa: taş (TLI CTD)-taş (TLI TTDD)-daş (TLI SD). ɟe'lɛ: gele > ɟe'lɛɟe'ldIc: gel > ɟe'l-dIc'bIɣ: bir > 'bIɣkα'ɾα: kara > kα'ɾα'tα∫α: taş-a > 'tα∫-α gele: to come, reaching a place, to arrive. geldĭm: to come, reaching a place, to arrive bir: name of the number, the title of uncertainty.ḳara: black, dark, bad, distressed, mourning. daşa: stone. gele/ɟe'lɛ/gele geldik/ɟe'ldIc/geldĭmbir/bir/birkara/kα'ɾα/ḳaradaşa/'tα∫α/daşa
Note 4. Word existence criteria existing in the theoretical and practical background of I. line of the Turkish folk music literary/musical text: Turkish Language Institution Dictionary Database/TLI DD (Url <http://www.tdk.gov.tr>), Urfa/Kerkuk/Tallafer Dialects Index and Dictionary/UKTD ID (Özbek, 2010, pp. 113-253), Turkey Turkish Pronunciation Dictionary/TTPD (Ergenç, 2002, pp. 46-47), Turkish Folk Music Phonetic Notation System Dictionary Database/TFMPNS DD in the axis of transcripted with Standart Turkey Turkish/STT-Turkish Language Institution Transcription Signs/TLITS-International Phonetic Alphabet/IPA.
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