Digital Archiving and Sharing Policy



European Publisher aims to ensure the long-term availability of digital content on behalf of end-users. We deposit all article files and book chapters to CLOCKSS archive which preserves its members' publication for future generations of researchers. Our participation in CLOCKSS allows us to support larger community preserving knowledge.

Self-archiving and sharing policy

As Open Access (OA) Publisher, European Publisher (EP) is committed to facilitate the dissemination of their authors’ scholarly articles and book chapters through different channels. EP encourages all its authors to disseminate final version of their works through different platforms such as Scholarly Collaboration Networks (SCNs) (e.g. arXiv, SocArXiv, etc.) and/or via Social Media (e.g. Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.)

Authors interested in sharing and/or archiving their work, may find useful the policies below:

Submitted manuscript (preprint)

This version refers to the author’s original version, has not been peer-reviewed, formatted, copyedited yet. Authors may share this version of their manuscript in their institutional repository (it means authors’ work is freely available for anyone within their institutional access), non-profit repositories (e.g. arXiv, SocArXiv, etc.)., on their personal website/blog and via Social Media platforms at any time.  

Accepted manuscript

Accepted manuscript refers that the manuscript has been gone through peer review process and has been accepted for publication by the Editors of the journal and ready for production. The authors may share accepted version of their manuscript at any time on their personal website/blog, in their institutional repository or any non-profit suitable subject repositories, and via Social Media platforms by acknowledging that their manuscript has been accepted for publication in a specific journal.  

Final version of record

This version is known as “versions of record (VOR)” and refers to an article has been copyedited, formatted, ready for publication. EP’s self-archiving and sharing policy may differ depending on the license of the article. If an article bears a CC BY license, it means authors retained the copyright of their work and they can share their work at any time and anywhere such as both non-commercial and commercial Scholarly Collaboration Networks (SCNs) and/or via Social Media (e.g. Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.). If an article bears a CC BY NC ND license, then authors cannot share their final version of record publicly on any commercial repositories/platforms and/or Scholarly Collaboration Networks (SCNs) (e.g. Academia, ResearchGate, etc.).

For detailed information on European Publisher’s License Policy please refer to this page.


Text and data mining 

European Publisher supports Text and Data Mining (TDM) for non-commercial purposes.