The European Journal of Social & Behavioural Sciences
Online ISSN: 2301-2218
European Publisher
The Influence of Test Anxiety on Academic Performance of Agricultural Student
Table 2: Correlation analysis between independent variables and the score of agricultural students’ test anxiety
Independent variable | Label | r |
Age | Age | -0.096 |
Competitive climate in classes | ComCli | 0.186* |
Use of different exams for evaluating students’ academic performance | DiffExm | -0.191* |
Concentrate on real and internal motives (instead of score) for learning | IntMot | -0.401** |
Encourage students according to grade point average | EncGPA | 0.259** |
Counsel students on educational matters (e.g. how to control their text anxiety | CouEdu | -0.214* |
* p< .05; ** p< .01 |