The European Journal of Social & Behavioural Sciences
Online ISSN: 2301-2218
European Publisher
Author Instructions and Guidelines
Inquiries related to journal policies, and special issues should be made to the Editor-in-Chief:
Ahmet Guneyli, Professor Dr.
Lefke European University, Cyprus
As the initial step, author/s are strongly advised to read the Aims & Scope to ensure that the manuscript is aligned to the journal’s area of interest and coverage.
Once this has been confirmed, manuscripts should be submitted in English through ScholarOne Manuscripts (S1M): https://mc04.manuscriptcentral.com/ejsbs.
Manuscripts submitted via email will not be entertained. The template for the full paper is available here. Manuscripts submitted without the accurately completed Title Page will be rejected with an offer to resubmit with the required completed documents.
Article Categories
EJSBS accepts Original Research, Empirical Review, Short report or Letter, and Special Issue.
Article Type |
Description |
Word Limit |
Original Research |
an original article which includes quantitative, qualitative, or mixed method empirical research. |
A maximum length of 6000 words, including the abstract, figures, tables, reference list and supplemental material where applicable) which may be extended to 8000 words to inorporate the reviewers’& editors’ comments. |
Empirical Review |
a paper that reviews with empirical evidence research that has been conducted in a particular area.
A maximum length of 6000 words, including the abstract, figures, tables, reference list and supplemental material where applicable, which may be extended to 8000 words to inorporate the reviewers’ comments. |
Short report/Letter to the Editor |
A response to a published article or an opinion on a topic of interest to the readership of the journal. |
A maximum length of 2000 words, including the abstract, figures, tables, reference list. |
Book Review |
A book analysis focussing on the content and merit. |
A maximum length of 2,000 words which includes the title, abstract, tables, figures, and references list. This may only be submitted upon invitation. |
Special Issue | Special Issues devoted to important topics or topics of current international interest in social and behavioural sciences. Papers presented at conferences or symposiums may be accepted for publication based on the conference editor/s’ approval |
*Acceptance of articles exceeding the stated word limit comes under the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief.
Manuscript Elements
As the EJSBS uses double-blind peer review; authors should ensure to submit their manuscripts anonymously. All author details should be provided in the Title Page.
The manuscripts should be submitted as separate files:
- title page,
- main text file;
- figures (if any), and
- supplemental materials (if any)
Author/s need to prepare their body text file in accordance with the full text template provided. Papers that have not been formatted according to the full text template requirements in terms of the text font, font size, spacing, margins, figure formats, citation, and references format will be returned for revision.
Title Page
The title page should contain the elements in the following order:
- Title of the paper
- The full name of each author; (first name, middle initial(s), and last name) in that order;
- The affiliation of each author;
- Author notes
- Conflict of Interest statement;
- Acknowledgments
Authors can refer to the journal’s Authorship policy in the Code of Ethics and Editorial Policies section.
Conflicts of interest statement
The full paper submission should be accompanied with the Conflict of Interest disclaimer (including null statements) on the paper’s Title Page. For more details, please see the Conflicts of Interest section.
Any financial, material support or contributions from other individuals should be mentioned in the paper’s Acknowledgments section. Authors also should mention their funding sources in the Acknowledgments section.
For more information, please check the CrossRef’s Open Funder Registry
Main Text File
Author/s need to prepare their main text file in accordance with the EJSBS template. The main text file includes the title, abstract, and key words; the main part of the paper; references; tables (if any), appendices (if any).
Figures and supplemental materials should be supplied separately.
Title preferably should not exceed 12 words.
The abstract should summarize the content of the paper in a minimum of 150 words to a maximum of 250 words. The abstract should be presented as a single paragraph and briefly summarize the goals, methods, and outstanding results of the study in the case of an original paper submission. The abstract should not contain reference citations.
Please provide three to five keywords, seperated with comma.
Main text
The EJSBS only accepts submissions in English. Author/s who are non-native speakers of English and/or whose English language proficiency is not of international standard are advised to consult native speakers/suitably proficient colleagues or an editing service for assistance to proofread/edit the paper before submission. Authors are cautioned that the manuscript can be rejected if the language is not of international acceptable standards.The main text must be prepared double-spaced in 10 points Times New Roman. Tables should be embedded into the text. Figures should be uploaded into the submission system as separate files.
All tables should be prepared according to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Seventh Edition (2020).
- Tables should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals according to their appearance in the text
- Each table should be cited within the article text (e.g., see Table 1)
- Avoid excessive formatting, such as the use of colour and shading
- Use superscript letters to represent table footnotes. (a, b, c)
- Use “Note: SD: Standard deviation, Note: Significant at the 0.01 level.” to define the abbreviations or general notes used in the table
Figures preferably should be supplied in the highest resolution possible. Figures in colour (online) are free of charge.
- Figures should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals according to their appearance in the text
- Each figure should be cited within the article text (e.g., see Figure 1)
- Parts of a figure should be represented with lowercase letters (a), (b), (c)
Figure & line art formats
- Figures preferably should be supplied electronically in either TIFF or EPS format
- Image resolution preferably should be 300 dpi
- Line art resolution preferably should be 600 dpi
Permission to use tables, figures, photos and other images taken from other sources is solely the responsibility of the authors.
- Tables and figures are limited to a combined total of 10. Tables and figures must be numbered, an explanatory title must be added, and each table and figure must be mentioned at least once in the main text. Figures should be supplied in a suitable size for printing, and tables should be inserted using the ‘Insert Table’ function provided by the software.
- It is the author's responsibility to obtain permission from the copyright owner to reproduce figures and tables that have been published elsewhere. Tables and figures without such evidence are assumed to originate from the author.
In-text citations and references
References should be prepared according to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Seventh Edition (2020). The following are important to note:
- All references should be cited both in text and in the reference list.
- In text citations and reference list entries should agree both in spelling and in date.
- With the exception of seminal studies, the literature cited should be current, with the majority of works (2/3) having been published no more than 5 years from the date of submission of the manuscript. Original research papers and reviews should have a minimum of 15 references while the references for other types of submissions may vary according to need.
- References shouldn’t be numbered.
- DOI should be provided for all references where available
Examples are provided below but for a more detailed coverage of the APA referencing style, please refer to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Seventh Edition (2020).
Entire Book
Author, A. A. (Date Published). Title of work. Publisher name. https://doi.org/xxxxx or https://xxxxx
- McNamara, P. (2019). The Neuroscience of Sleep and Dreams. Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/9781316817094
In-text citation:
- Parenthetical citation: (McNamara, 2019)
- Narrative citation: McNamara (2019)
Foreign Language Book
Author, A. A. (Date Published). Work title in native language [Translation in brackets]. Publisher name.
- Sokolov, A. K. (2001). NEP v kontekste istoricheskogo razvitiya Rossii XX veka Redkol [New Economic Policy during the Historical Development of Russia in the Twentieth Centuries]. In-t ros. Istorii.
In-text citation:
- Parenthetical citation: (Sokolov, 2001)
- Narrative citation: Sokolov (2001)
Chapter in an Edited Book
Author, A. A. (Date Published). Title of chapter or entry. In A. Editor, B. Editor, & C. Editor (Eds.), Title of book (pp. #-#). Publisher name.
- De Visser, R. (2019). Gender and Health. In C. Llewellyn, S. Ayers, C. McManus, S. Newman, K. Petrie, T. Revenson, et al. (Eds.), Cambridge Handbook of Psychology, Health and Medicine (pp. 20-23). Cambridge University Press.
In-text citation:
- Parenthetical citation: (De Visser, 2019)
- Narrative citation: De Visser (2019)
Journal Article
Author, A. A., & Author B. B. (Date Published). Article title. Title of Journal, Volume(Issue), pp.-pp. https://doi.org/xxxxx or https://xxxxx
- Bogel, P. M., & Upham, P. (2018). Role of psychology in sociotechnical transitions studies: Review in relation to consumption and technology acceptance. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 28, 122-136. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eist.2018.01.002
In-text citation:
- Parenthetical citation: (Bogel & Upham, 2018)
- Narrative citation: Bogel and Upham (2018)
Foreign Language Journal Article
Author, A. A., & Author B. B. (Date Published). Work title in native language [Translation in brackets]. Title of Journal, Volume(Issue), pp.-pp.
- Kalenda, J., & Kočvarová, I. (2017). Proměny bariér ke vzdělávání dospělých v České republice: 2005-2015 [Transformation of Barriers towards Adult Education in the Czech Republic]. Studia Paedagogica, 22(3), 69–89. https://doi.org/10.5817/SP2017-3-5
In-text citation:
- Parenthetical citation: (Kalenda & Kočvarová, 2017)
- Narrative citation: Kalenda and Kočvarová (2017)
Author, A. A., & Author B. B. (Year, Month Day). Newspaper Article Title. Website name. https://xxxxx
- Giles, G., & Szalay, E. (2020, August 31). Global economy unlikely to benefit from falling dollar. Financial Times. https://www.ft.com/content/83c16626-f617-4bb3-872e-fd6723a36c11
In-text citation:
- Parenthetical citation: (Giles & Szalay, 2020)
- Narrative citation: Giles and Szalay (2020)
Supplementary Files
Supplementary materials may be submitted together with the manuscript. The supplementary material will not be published as part of the PDF of the manuscript but will be available together with the published manuscript as a separate file. Authors must take note that supplementary materials will not be copy-edited or proofread during the revision process. Authors are responsible for ensuring the language accuracy of these materials. As the supplementary files are also peer reviewed, authors need to ensure that their identity is not disclosed in any form in these materials.
Supplemental materials must be submitted as separate files during the submission process.
Appendices are to be placed after the references. All appendices should be mentioned in the main text where relevant; however, these should be supplied as separate files during submission process.
The EJSBS abides by the regulations and guidelines for editors stipulated in the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)'s Code of Conduct and Best-Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors.
The EJSBS acknowledges the importance of and conducts all processes with integrity including the maintenance of scholarly records in accordance with our policy on corrections, addendums, retractions and other updates which are aligned to COPE guidelines.
COPE Retraction Guidelines can be found here: https://publicationethics.org/files/cope-retraction-guidelines-v2.pdf
Authorship and Responsibilities
By submitting a manuscript to the EJSBS, all persons included as authors agree that they have reviewed and approved the manuscript prior to submission, and that they accept responsibility for the information contained in the submission. Authorship credit should be based on:
Substantial contributions to conception and design, acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data;
Drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content; and
Final approval of the version to be published. Authors should meet conditions 1, 2, and 3 as stated to be included as authors. Individuals who were not principal researchers or writers should not be listed as authors but should be acknowledged instead for their ancillary role in the acknowledgment section of the paper.
In multicentre studies, the authors should fully meet the criteria for authorship/contributorship as defined above and these individuals will need to complete a Conflict of Interest disclosure form. The individual authors’ contributions to the paper must be explained in detail in the title page which must be submitted together with the paper. The names of all authors must be placed under the title of the paper. By submitting original research, the author/s agree that the original research data are available for review upon a formal request from the Editor.
The EJSBS Editors accept author/s affiliated institutions’ templates as valid documents for participants’ informed consent. The templates should cover, as far as possible, all aspects of protocols for ethical research and publication. It is the responsibility of the author/s to ensure that their affiliated institutions’ documents’ coverage of protocols for ethical research and publication are comprehensive enough to prevent any possibility of subsequent claims of unethical behaviour/unfulfilled promises of payment for participation in the research by any participant once the paper has been published. The Editors will not accept any responsibility for participants’ claims once the paper has been published. Any complaints of this nature will be forwarded to the corresponding author to deal with.
Plagiarism and Duplicate Publication
Global, mosaic and verbatim plagiarism are viewed as copying of words, ideas, models, images and/or data from other works, without giving due credit to the original author/s. As such, the EJSBS Editors view all forms of plagiarism/duplicate publication as serious threats to the integrity of the research process. The EJSBS uses iThenticate software powered by CrossCheck to detect all forms of plagiarism/duplicate texts in submitted manuscripts.
Peer Review and Acceptance
The EJSBS uses double-blind review; both the reviewer and author identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa, throughout the review process. The paper is first checked by the Managing Editor to ensure that the paper abides by the journal’s submisson requirements. If the paper is found to be unsuitable at this stage, it is returned to the corresponding author to be corrected and resubmitted. If the paper is found to be suitable at this stage, the Managing Editor passes it to the Editor-in-Chief. Papers that meet the appropriate originality, quality and relevance requirements are sent to one of the associate editors by the Editor-in-Chief to initiate the peer review process. The Associate Editor will then invite reviewers with suitable expertise to review the paper. In cases of a mixed response from the reviewers, the Editor-in-Chief, whose decision is final, will arbitrate.
The EJSBS’s peer review policy is available here.
Conflicts of Interest
The EJSBS policy on conflicts of interest covers the understanding that author/s are not unduly pressured to manipulate their research to please external agents such as, but not limited to funders, institutional pressures, political pressures, socio-cultural trends and/or religious convictions. Personal bias and prejudice should also not interfere with the fair and transparent process of academic research. Examples of personal bias include manipulating sample sizes by ethnicity to produce data that shows a certain ethnic group exhibits certain negative traits while another ethnic group (which the author belongs to) exhibits certain positive traits and then concluding that this ethnic group is “better” than the other ethnic group. Other examples of conflict of interest include manipulating data to appease political masters, funders, institution management, and other agencies with a direct or indirect influence on the author/s.
Author/s are encouraged to disclose all potential conflicts of interest as part of their adherence to the EJSBS’s policy on ethical research. The journal Editors are cognizant of the fact that research data and findings can have profound repercussions on society, the environment and human life. The journal’s role in sharing and disseminating research is premised on the foundation that academic integrity is at the heart of ethical academic pursuits and as such, the EJSBS values and supports author/s’ integrity in conducting and reporting research that is underpinned by the Code of Ethics of the journal. If there is no conflict of interest, a statement should be made to that effect after the Acknowledgment section and on the manuscript’s Title Page.
It is the responsibility of the authors to declare their funding sources in the Acknowledgments section. For more information, please check the CrossRef’s Open Funder Registry.
Research Involving Human & Animal Subjects
When a study involves human or live animal subjects, authors must include an appropriate ethical statement during the submission of the manuscript.
Research involving human subjects – author/s should have the approval of the appropriate institutional and/or national research ethics committee (where possible, details of compliance with national or international laws or guidelines should be included) and attest that the study was carried out in accordance with the principles outlined in the Declaration of Helsinki. Informed consent for any research with human subjects is required.
Any research that involves the use of human subjects must show evidence of having followed the stipulations of the ethics committee or review board of the author/s’ institution/s. This means that documented approval, which includes the project identification code, date of approval, and the affiliation of the ethics committee/review board, should be attached as supplemental material in the manuscript. Alternatively, these details can also be mentioned in the Research Methods section of the manuscript with an accompanying statement such as “Informed consent was obtained from all participants prior to the research and for the research to be published. The research was approved by the Ethics Committee/ Review Board of (affiliated institution) under (Project Identification Code)”. The inclusion of these details and statement is clear and strong evidence that the ethical research protocols were followed.
It is the responsibility of the author/s to ensure that their affiliated institutions’ documents’ coverage of protocols for ethical research and publication are comprehensive enough to prevent any possibility of subsequent claims of unethical behaviour/unfulfilled promises of payment for participation in the research by any participant once the manuscript has been published. Editor will not accept any responsibility for participants’ claims once the manuscript has been published. Any complaints of this nature will be forwarded to the corresponding author to deal with.
Research involving animal subjects – author/s should include a statement that all experiments and procedures were performed in compliance with ARRIVE guidelines and details of compliance with national or international laws or protocols (where possible, the approval or case number) should be included.
Research based on clinical trials – author/s are expected to follow international benchmarked standards in clinical trial registration and presentation (i.e., CONSORT, CARE, STROBE, SPIRIT).
Participant Consent
EjSBS adheres to the ICMJE recommendations on the protection of research participants. According to these recommendations, all participants have a right to privacy that should not be violated without informed consent.
Permission to use data that may include photographs of the participants must be obtained from the participants or parents/guardians in the form of written informed consent to use such images as part of the research findings and for publication. It is authors’ responsibility to ensure that these principles are complied with.
The author/s must be able to show proof of documented informed consent from the participants involved in the research to the editors, if the need arises.
The signed consent forms should be stored in a secure location by authors or their institutions, as described in the submitted ethics application. It is not required to submit completed consent forms during submission. However, consent forms should be made available upon request from the editors during review or after publication.
Even if consent has been obtained, possible identifying details (i.e., research subjects' names, initials, social security numbers or any form of identification) of participants should be omitted and necessary care should be taken that the description of the participants should not be disparaging or humiliating.
Consent is not required for the use of anonymised images from which the individual cannot be identified (i.e., x-rays, ultrasound images, brain scans).
Data Availability
Author/s must be able to provide the research data supporting their work for editorial review, if necessary. Author/s are strongly encouraged to deposit research data in public, community-supported repositories such as Figshare, or Dryad Digital Repository.
Image Manipulation
Author/s are strongly advised to act sensitively when submitting images which might be offensive to any community, race, religion, or ethnic group or violate European Publisher's copyright. European Publisher holds the right to request authors to seek alternative images for the final publication.
Overall custom adjustments of contrast, colour intensity, brightness, and sharpness are acceptable if these do not distort any of the information contained in the original. Manipulation of original images, with the aim of passing off such manipulated material as one’s own or to provide distorted interpretations is considered a violation of publication ethics and will result in an immediate rejection of the manuscript.
Manuscript Writing and Reporting Standards
EjSBS benchmarks its publication standards against reputable international journals. As such, manuscripts submitted for publication in the EjSBS must fulfil certain criteria for writing and reporting standards. In a well-written manuscript, the background of the study should adequately reflect the purpose of the study and the research objective/s. The research design must be explained in adequate detail so that the validity and reliability of the research are established. The research findings should be accurately reported and discussed within the scope of the study’s stated significance and answer the research question/s. This, together with sufficient, timely references, would facilitate a replication of the study. Manipulation of findings is considered unethical and will result in a rejection of the manuscript.
European Publisher encourages all authors to register for an ORCID and associate it to their manuscript. With an ORCID, authors can be assured that all their publications are correctly attributed to them and facilitates tracking by funders, institutions and other researchers.
If you haven’t registered for an ORCID iD yet, Register for your unique ORCID identifier. It only takes a minute to complete your details to obtain your ORCID.
Decision Appeals
Author/s can appeal the decision pertaining to the rejection of their manuscript by writing to the Editor in Chief and providing responses to each of the reviewers’ comments. The Editor in Chief will then refer the manuscript and the appeal to another Associate Editor and reviewer to decide whether to accept the manuscript for publication, submit it for another round of review or to reject the manuscript. The decision to reject the manuscript at this stage is final and no further appeal will be entertained.
Once the manuscripts have been accepted by the editors as ready for publication, the production team will ascertain the technical aspects of the publication process in terms of formatting abide by the journal’s standards. As part of our publication process, the production team assigns DOIs to the papers.
Once the paper has been readied for publication, the authors will be provided a link via email to access the proof. Authors should check the proof for any mistakes such as typesetting errors, incorrect numbering of tables, figures and so on. Authors should also ensure all listed references are also mentioned in the text of the paper and viceversa. Proofs must be reverted within 48 hours of receipt of the email. Failure to return the proofs within the stipulated time frame may result in a delay in publication.
After the proof has been returned by the authors, the Associate editor will review the corrections and finalize the article for publication. The article will then be published with a permanent DOI.
After acceptance of the manuscript, authors should fill and sign the EJSBS’s Copyright Agreement. EjSBS publishes all articles under Creative Commons Licenses and use either CC BY-NC-ND license.
For detailed information please read Licensing.
Open Access Fees
In order to maintain sustainable and transparent scholarly open access publishing, authors are required to pay a one-time Manuscript Processing Charge (APC) upon editorial acceptance of the manuscript. For more information please see the EJSBS’s APCs page.
Access and Sharing
Authors will be notified via email of the publication of the papers and provided with a link which can be shared through social media. European Publisher encourages all authors to promote and disseminate their research through all channels.
Promotional materials for your research are devised and disseminated through numerous channels like European Publisher website’s news section and social media platforms
***Author Guidelines updated 6 May 2022