
Nancy Albrecht, Professor Emporia State University, Emporia, Kansas, United States nalbrech@emporia.edu ORCID: 0000-0002-5865-5881
Dr. Nancy Albrecht joined the ESU faculty in 2001. She teaches graduate students in school leadership and curriculum instruction and is a director of a federal professional development ESL grant. In 2018, she received the Excellence in Service Award from The Teachers College. Prior to coming to ESU, she was a high school principal and teacher and has taught internationally in Germany. She was District I Principal of the Year awarded by the Kansas Association of Secondary Schools Principal Association.
Kevin Michael Watson, PhD Candidate University of Calgary, Canada Kevin.watson1@ucalgary.ca ORCID: 0000-0002-4492-8308
Kevin M Watson is a Learning Sciences PhD candidate at the University of Calgary. He holds two master’s degrees from the UK. He holds an MSc. in Applied Professional Studies in Lifelong Learning and an MSc. in the Psychology and Neuroscience for Mental Health. He holds bachelor’s degrees in Education and Human Kinetics from UBC, a minor in English literature, and holds a Graduate Certificate in Systemic Functional Linguistics from UBC as well. He is Teacher Regulation Board (TRB) certified in British Columbia, Canada and for the past three years has been working as a neuroscience instructor and learning specialist/advisor for a medical school. Kevin has taught around the globe in Abu Dhabi, the USA, Japan, Thailand and Barbados as well as his home in Canada. Kevin is interested in phenomenological hermeneutic research and IPA methodology that is committed to exploring the interpretive lived experiences. He is committed to student development, curriculum design, and investigating student anxiety and depression. Kevin was most recently the course director for Essentials of Lifelong Learning Courses for struggling medical students and the coordinator of the mindsets for medicine workshops and cognitive skills workshops. His roots are in recreation and youth work in inner city Vancouver.
Petra Besedová, PhD University of Hradec Králové, Czech Republic petra.besedova@uhk.cz ORCID: 0000-0001-7262-9017
Dr. Petra Besedová work at the University of Hradec Králové (Czech Republic), Faculty of Education, Department of German Language and Literature. Here she teaches German language didactics, the realities of German-speaking countries and literature for children and young people. The main field of research is the implementation of non-linguistic and (socio)cultural content into foreign language teaching. Dr. Petra Besedová leads a faculty research team that focuses on the influence of music on foreign language teaching and works with a number of experts across disciplines. She and her colleagues actively cooperate on a number of international projects.
Lei Yu, Professor Liaocheng University, China lei.yu@mymail.unisa.edu.au ORCID: 0000-0001-5756-311X
Dr. Lei Yu is a Professor in the Center for Pacific Studies, Liaocheng University and Professor in the Center for Australian Studies, Beijing Foreign Studies University. He is a contributor to International Affairs, Communist and Post-Communist Studies, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, etc. The key areas of his teaching and research interests include China foreign policy, international development, and energy security.
Parmjit Singh, Professor Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia parmj378@uitm.edu.my ORCID: 0000-0003-0854-2093
Parmjit Singh is a Professor at the Faculty of Education, Universiti Technology Mara, Malaysia. He is currently the Head of the Mathematics Education Program at the faculty. He obtained his B. Sc (Hons) in Mathematics from the University of Technology, Malaysia in 1986 . He completed his Masters at University Malaya, Malaysia in 1994 and PHD in 1998, from Florida State University, United States. He sits in the National Panel Evaluation Committee under Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia (MOHE) for National Research Grants since 2016.
Abu H. Ayob, Assistant Professor Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia: Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia abuhanifah.ayob@ukm.edu.my ORCID: 0000-0003-0854-2093
Abu H Ayob is an assistant professor at Faculty of Economics and Management, National University of Malaysia. He earned his Ph.D. in management science from Université Toulouse 1 Capitole. Upon completion, he went to School of Management, Boston University as a visiting academic before pursuing his postdoctoral at Copenhagen Business School and Toulouse Business School. His research interest focuses on various aspects of entrepreneurship including education, internationalization, technological and social impact.
Mika Igarashi, MSc Toyo Eiwa University, Japan mikaigarashi81@gmail.com
Ms. Mika Igarashi is currently a full-time lecturer at the Department of Human Sciences, Toyo Eiwa University, Japan, and was previously a doctoral student at the Graduate School of Education, the University of Tokyo, Japan. Ms. Igarashi graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Business and Commerce from Keio University, Japan. She spent more than 5 years teaching social studies and English in junior and senior high schools before embarking on an academic career. Ms. Igarashi then attended the Graduate school of Human Relations, Keio University, Japan, gaining a master’s degree in Education.
Managing Editor
Azize Ummanel, PhD Lefke European University, Cyprus azizeummanel@yahoo.co.uk ORCID: 0000-0002-1452-3449
Dr. Ummanel is assistant professor of Pre School Teaching Department at Faculty of Education, European University of Lefke. Her main teaching and research revolve around pre school education, early childhood education history, children's games and educational leadership.
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