The European Journal of Social & Behavioural Sciences
Online ISSN: 2301-2218
European Publisher
The Mother Tongue in the Foreign Language: An Account of Russian L2 Learners’ Error Incidence on Output
Table 2: Translation of an L1 close equivalent into the L2
L1 | L2 | IL | |
g | They predicted more rain for today. | Oni predskazyvali bolshe dozhdei na segodnya. | They promised more rain for today. |
h | I would like to talk about a Hollywood film shot in the United States. | Ya hochu rasskazat o gollivudskom filme, sdelannom v Soedinennyh Shtatah. | I want to tell about a Hollywood film made in the United States. |
i | I enjoy science fiction films. | Ya naslazhdaus filmami nauchnoi fantastiki. | I enjoy fantastic films. |
j | I represent a serious accounting company. | Ya predstavlyayu serioznuyu buhgalterskuyu kompaniyu. | I present a serious accounting company. |
k | My interest/aim/intention/ is to buy... | Moi interes/cel/namerenie zakluchaetsya v tom, chto ya hochu kupit… | My issue is that I want to buy... |
l | Some people in my country look down on others. | Nekotorye ludi v moei strane smotryat sverhu vniz na drugih. | Some people in my country look at others from above/top to bottom. |
m | We have clean air. | U nas chistyi vozduh. | We have clear breath. |
n | Then my wife and I went for lunch at a nearby restaurant. | Togda moiya zhena I ya poshli na biznes-lanch v sosednii restoran. | Then my wife and I went for a business lunch at a nearby restaurant. |
o | I can’t do it alone. | Ya ne mogu sdelat eto sam. | I can’t do it by myself. |