EjSBS - The European Journal of Social & Behavioural Sciences

The European Journal of Social & Behavioural Sciences

Online ISSN: 2301-2218
European Publisher

Ideas About the Ideal Marriage Partner Depending on the Moral Orientation

Table 1: Significant correlations of the substantive characteristics of the image of an ideal husband depending on the moral orientation of the personality of young men and women

Substantive characteristics of the image“Ideal husband” Young men Young women
Egocentric orientation(n = 19) Group-centric orientation(n = 16) Humanistic orientation(n = 17) World-creating orientation(n = 53) Egocentric orientation(n = 31) Group-centric orientation(n = 34) Humanistic orientation(n = 74) World-creating orientation(n = 160)
Cognitive component
Performance of duties 0.539* - - 0.378** - - 0.349** 0.36**
Caring 0.726** 0.511* - 0.659** 0.559** - 0.466** 0.541**
Personal independence - 0.517* 0.492* 0.629** - - 0.313** 0.456**
Responsibility 0.589** - - 0.342* - 0.371* 0.328** 0.458**
Sexuality 0.494* - 0.497* - - 0.399* 0.462** 0.465**
Patience 0.592** 0.721** - - 0.5** - 0.295* 0.403**
Diligence 0.515* 0.602* - 0.38** - 0.455** 0.286* 0.442**
Respect for other people 0.535* - - 0.589** 0.595** 0.389* 0.470** 0.597**
Balance 0.548* 0.572* 0.554* 0.459** 0.531** - 0.332** 0.421**
Success - - - - - - 0.518** 0.397**
Empathy - - - - 0.362* - 0.331** 0.264**
Emotional component
Attitude towards family as a social institution 0.484* - - - - - 0.345** 0.173*
Attitude towards their own family - - - - - - 0.412** 0.247**
Attitude towards future marriage partner - - 0.557* - - - 0.274* 0.277**
Attitude towards themselves - - - - - - 0.252* 0.177*
Attitude towards future children - - - - - - - 0.174*
Attitude towards romantic love - - - - - - - 0.284**
Attitude towards sex - - - - - - - 0.192*
Leadership and responsibility in the family - - - - - - - 0.217**
Marital rights and responsibilities - 0.51* - - - - - -
Attitude towards family recreation and leisure - - - - -0.356* - - 0.174*
Behavioural component
Intimately sexual scale - - - - -0.499** - - -
Personal identification with the spouse - - - 0.361** - - - -
Parental and educational sphere - - - 0.285* - 0.366* - -
Social activity - - - - - - 0.239* -
Emotional and psychotherapeutic sphere - - - 0.283* - - 0.308** -
External attractiveness - - 0.68** - - - 0.292* -
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